Friday, May 7, 2010

READ: Contemporary Indian Fashion

Angela Gilltrap takes a closer look at Contemporary Indian Fashion

International fashion can get a bad wrap. Stereotypes mixed with fashion snobbery can hinder some of the world's most fashion forward making it to the big stage. But there are innovators in every country and this book, Contemporary Indian Fashion, pays homage to those Indian designers pushing the envelope. Some of those featured you will have heard of, others are soon to become your new favorites.

Edited by Federico Rocca, colorful and informative, Contemporary Indian Fashion takes you into the vivid world of Indian haute couture. Catwalk still lifes mixed with fabric close ups highlight the intricate details, experiment textile techniques and innovative drapery used by these designers. A simple question and answer accompanies each profile with up to eight pages of photographs per designer. Manish Arora, Fightercock and Anamika Khanna are among some of those featured and it won't be long until you find a new favorite.

Contemporary Indian Fashion is guaranteed to inspire. Don't be the last to discover India's fashion forward.

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